Landscapes - 08A
Hi, and thanks for helping keep our city and our planet healthy!

We New Yorkers love ordering food for delivery, and that usually means a whole pile of plastic that will be used for a few minutes and then sit for the next thousand years in a landfill, or worse, in the ocean. But it doesn’t have to be that way. There are plenty of better ways to package takeout food, minimizing unwanted straws, condiment packs and utensils, and using compostable or biodegradable packaging. We at want to show you which restaurants have committed to doing that, to help them succeed and to help you get dinner without trashing the planet!

Our project depends on people like you sending in reviews, to help your neighbors make environmentally friendly choices when picking a restaurant. And it’s SO easy to help - all you have to do is to take a phone pic of your meal after you unpack it, showing the delivery bag and all of the containers, and send it to us with the name of the restaurant at Also tell us in a few words what you thought about the packaging. Did the restaurant listen if you requested no utensils? Was the delivery bag paper or plastic? How about the individual containers? Did they leak or spill? Remember, this isn’t a review of the food itself - there are plenty of sites that do that.

Do something today and make one more reason why New York is the best city in the world!